- The giraffe has 7 bones in its neck just like we humans do - only they're much longer.
- African elephants have bigger ears than Indian elephants.
- There are no ants in Iceland, Greenland, and Antarctica.
- Before they're even born, sand tiger sharks eat their twin brothers and sisters!
- It is estimated that millions of trees in the world are accidentally planted by squirrels that bury nuts and then forget where they hid them!
- The spots on the giraffes fur darkens as the animal ages.
- A group of whales is called a pod.
- Crocodiles eat stones.
- A Polar Bear's outer fur is called “guard hair”.
- Frogs don't drink water. They absorb water through their skin.
- Dog nose prints are as unique as human finger prints and can be used to identify them.
- The color red doesn't really make bulls angry; they are color-blind.
- A puppy is born blind, deaf, and toothless.
- Polar bears are the world's largest land predators.
- The fear of animals is called "Zoophobia".
- Dogs have sweat glands in between their paws.
- A Cow Has Four Distinct Stomach Sections – each section has a different function in the cow’s digestive process.
- Insects do not breathe through their mouths, nor do they have lungs.
- An ant lion is neither an ant nor a lion.
- Crickets hear through their knees – (their eardrums that are located on their knees).
Part I ; Part II ; Part III ; Part IV
Beautiful blog, I read quite some now, and I love your originality, from India
Amo fotografias, apesar de algumas serem tristes, "the abandoned dog" por exemplo.
cool facts.Thanks for sharing
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