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Saturday 21 May 2011

Who Would Kill Gorillas And Why?

WARNING: Video Contains Graphic Images
In order to reach deeper into the forests, logging companies build roads and as a result of this the roads allow poachers to follow and ship their catch to markets. At this current rate, illegal hunting could wipe out the last of the lowland gorillas in a decade…

Poachers kill gorillas for profit. The hands are made into ashtrays and sold to tourists or anyone willing to buy them. Other parts of the body like the feet are also sold for profit. The problem is that all of the poachers that do this are “uneducated” and some are also extremely poor. A dead gorilla can bring a tremendous sum of money for most of them. These people need to be educated so that they can respect wildlife. They don´t seem to understand what an ecosystem is, or what damage they cause by killing wildlife. To them, it is just an alternative to make money and they are willing to break the law because they can profit so very much just by killing one animal. Unfortunately, these people are not the only uneducated people... for instance, tourists who buy souvenirs such as gorilla hands and feet are worse than uneducated, they are "demented" people. It is a really sad situation!

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