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Saturday, 22 October 2011

The African Bullfrog ((Pyxicephalus Adsperus)

Photo credit: wikipedia

The African bullfrog (Pyxicephalus adsperus), also known as the Pixie frog is one of the largest frogs in Africa, weighing up to 2 kg (approx. 4.4 lbs). The female is much smaller than the male, which is quite weird, because usually in other species of frogs it’s the female frog that is bigger! African bullfrogs are found mostly in open grasslands near lakes, rivers and ponds at low elevations in the sub-Saharan African countries (read more...)

Another unique feature about this creature is that it can dig holes in the ground with its powerful hind legs, so that it can estivate during the dry seasons. In order to avoid drying up, the African bullfrog can wrap itself in a dry, watertight cocoon. This is made from many layers of dead skin, and looks like plastic film. The frog can survive in this cocoon for several months, getting all the moisture it needs by absorbing water stored in the bladder. Once the rainy seasons start, the moisture will seep into the ground and soften the cocoon, and split it open. The frog scrambles out and eats the cocoon.

The African bullfrog may lay as many as 4000 eggs in shallow puddles. The male bullfrog exhibits parental care and will aggressively defend its eggs if any human or animal should approach. Sharp upper teeth (which can be quite serious) and two horny spikes at the tips of the lower jaw help ward off theses intruders. If the puddle is in danger of drying out, the male digs an escape channel for transferring the tadpoles to water. This parental care comes with a price, however, as the male will consume many of the tadpoles while he is defending them. When the tadpoles develop, they can be aggressive and cannibalistic. They have been known to feed on each other, as well as on small fish and invertebrates.

The African bullfrog is carnivorous. It can consume nearly any animal that can fit into its huge mouth, including invertebrates, reptiles, other species of frogs, small mammals, and even small birds. The African bullfrog can live up to 40 years.

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