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Monday 22 February 2010

The Most Popular Pet In The World...

There are many people who say that if a black cat crosses your path you will have bad luck. Well, don´t believe a word of it because it´s pure nonsense! A cat is simply an outstanding four-footed animal that is covered by bundle of fur. These creatures make wonderful pets and are currently known as the most popular pets in the world. They are playful, curious adventurous, affectionate, and extremely entertaining.

The bond between cats and humans has a history that has lasted for over 9000 years. Actually, the ancient Egyptians were the first group we know of that adored cats. Apart from the precise reason, cats came to be sacred animals in Egypt. They were adored in temples, loved and protected while they lived, embalmed and wrapped in mummy bandages when they died. There were even cat graveyards in the city of the Bubastis and other places in Egypt. Even the Egyptian statues of cats are amongst the most astounding that have ever been made.

Just by looking at the few images that I have placed on this blog, I can totally understand why cats were and still are SO popular amongst people... Don´t you agree?

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